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BTHS Registration Information


We will email you to set up an appointment to complete your students course selection.

The 2024/2025 New student Registration online form is open. Please upload all documents prior to submitting this form. Please make sure they are legible prior to starting the form.

The 2025/2026 New student registration form will open soon, please check back in March. 


All students must register at their home-zoned school. The school district Attendance Zone Locator will identify the correct school.

  1. School Entry Physical (with Provider Stamp) – dated within 1 year from the students first day of school.
  2. Immunizations – on the FL-680 Form. – Out of state immunization must be transcribed onto the FL-680 Form. This can be done at the Department of Health in St. Augustine, some CVS Minute Clinic’s or private -physician. This is State mandated and must be completed for your student to start school.
  3. Birth Certificate.
  4. Social Security Card – this is not required but recommended as is needed for Bright Futures, and Colleges and Universities recommend it be on student transcripts.
  5. Legal Guardianship / Custody papers (only if applicable.) ** Please see below for further information.
  6. Copy of EP / IEP or 504  (only if applicable.)
  7. Residency (click here for residency information.)
  8. Students school records / official or unofficial transcripts, report card, transfer grades. Rising Freshman records must show promotion or completion. Parents are required to have Foreign Language Transcripts / student records translated.  (We will request records; however, we request parents provide records for the course selection meeting – as they are required at the High School Level.)

**Pursuant to School Board Rule 5.05(1)(e), when a student resides with a person who is not the student’s parent seeks to enroll in school, the student shall present a court order appointing the person with whom they reside as either their legal guardian or legal custodian or shall present other proper documentation from a state or federal agency placing the child with the person with whom they reside.** Required: Written notarized consent from the parent or legal guardian – AND- Documentation from the Clerk of Courts showing that a Concurrent Custody or Temporary Guardianship petition has been filed. 

Once you have completed the online registration, we will contact you via email regarding Course Selection.  The Course selection portion of your students registration will take place via phone. (2024/2025 SY  only – we will begin completing course selections for new and re-enrolling students some time in June.)

*** We will request records prior to the course selection portion of the registration, however we  require that you have at minimum unofficial records. (This is requested for BT High School registration.)

Welcome to Bear Country! 

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Fax: 904-547-8807

We are not providing tours at this time, we apologize for the inconvenience. 

All St. Johns County K-8 and high schools are excluded from controlled open enrollment as they are currently operating at full capacity or have been operating for less than three (3) years.