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Community Service

Bartram Trail Service Hours

Guidelines Specifically Related to Bright Futures and Honors Clubs

Best Bet for Community Service Hours – Don’t wait to Earn them!  

We Recommend that Students Earn a minimum of 25 Community Service Hours per School Year.  And it is strongly recommended that Seniors have all of their hours completed and input by December of their senior year. This will allow that data to be uploaded to Bright Futures in January.


  • Community Service Hours needs to  be completed by a non-profit organization. This can be check on
  • Hours need to be turned in on sponsoring organizations letterhead – including hours earned at BTHS.
  • They must include:
    • Full Name.
    • Dates of activity.
    • Hours earned.
    • Type of service work provided.
    • Sponsor Signature.
    • Community Events should benefit the entire community with no payment required.
  • The SJCSD Service Plan needs to be completed for all service hours-including  hours  earned  at  BTHS.
  • Community Service hours submitted incomplete will not be entered. There is a binder at Guidance with these incomplete documents.
  • Community Service hours are entered on a bi-weekly basis.
  • Seniors must earn all of their needed service hours by the date of Graduation.
    • These must be turned in to Guidance ASAP for entry so they are added to your Transcript on time.

If the student is unsure of the hours will count towards Bright Futures and meeting the SJCSD requirements, student check with Ms. Richards in Guidance.

Students may start earning hours during them Summer after their 8th grade year.  Any hours earned during Middle School are non-transferable.

Student should aim to complete 25 hours per year.  As of 2023-2024 – 100 hours are needed for the Bright Futures Scholarship.

Bright Futures has included the option of Work Hours for Service Hours – assisting those students that need to work after school.  

  • If you are using this option please note:
    • The Service Plan does need to be completed.
    • You do not need to turn in work hours if you already have 100 + community service hours.
    • Only 100 work hours will be added to your profile, please do not continue to turn them in after you have 100 hours.
      • These hours show up on your Transcript as work hours.
    • Work and Community service hours can be combined to reach the 100 hour goal for Bright Futures.
    • Work hours to do not apply toward community service hours that should be earned for an Honors Society. ie: NHS, NEHS, DECA, RHO-KAPPA  etc.

Important to Note: ** The donations form that was used in 2020/2021 is no long accepted  hours. This was a temporary provision do to the lack of in-person volunteer opportunities during that time frame.


Please contact Kathleen Richards in Guidance or on Schoology if you have any questions.   [email protected]